Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

The top of Benjmin's cake so you can see his name

Where the Wild Things Are

Carol & Max
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Carol and Max figures with a "tree trunk" cake for Benjamin who is turning 5.

Dog Tags

Dog Tags
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Marine Cake for Josh Taylor's going away party

Grandma & Pa Arnolds Diamond

I created this cake for my grandparents 60th Diamond Wedding Anniversary in April, 2010!

Eileen's Saluki Signing Cake

Saluki cake created for one of my daughter's friends who received a Cross Country Scholarship--this cake was for her signing party!

Eileen's Saluki Signing Cake

Saluki cake created for one of my daughter's friends who received a Cross Country Scholarship--this cake was for her signing party!

Gwyns Thank You to the Team

Close up of the cake, and YES, there is a LIVER on there!

Jax Lifesaving Team @ Children's

This cake was created for Jax Guffey's Lifesaving Team @ Children's Hospital in St. Louis. Jax was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia and was soon put on a tranplant list which he received through a gracious organ donor just 1 month before his 1st birthday!!

Flip Flops for Alexis

Flip Flops for Alexis
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Flip Flop cake created for a teenagers luau party!

Miss Bradford Teacher Cake

This cake was created for a soon to be teacher who just graduated college!

Hill's Ponderosa

Hill's Ponderosa
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Log cabin cake created for a 65th birthday! Represents his "getaway" home!

Vivian is 90!

Vivian is 90!
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Cake created for a sweet lady turning 90!

Lily's Star Cake

Lily's Star Cake
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Lily's 1st birthday cake! Smash cake sitting atop the "everybody" cake!

St. Louis Cardinal Cake

St. Louis Cardinal Cake
Originally uploaded by SweetTpieS
Dylan is 9! He loves Pujols and Holliday!